A one to one is a meeting at FitXR that happens between two colleagues and more commonly between team member and people manager. In this section, we will run through expectations of one-to-ones and how to best prepare for them and get the most out of them.

The key to a good 1:1 meeting is the understanding that it is the employee’s meeting rather than the manager’s meeting. This is the free-form meeting for all the pressing issues, brilliant ideas and chronic frustrations that do not fit neatly into status reports, slack messages and other less personal and intimate mechanisms.”

At FitXR 1:1's are a forum for safe and trusted discussions which create meaningful actions. What do we expect to see?


<aside> 🎯 Below is a series of suggested questions in a variety of 1-1 meetings managers could consider. Team members should also consider these questions to flag any key discussion points. 1:1's should be led by the owner and coached, supported, and advised by the Manager, don't wait for a question to be asked if you want to raise something.

It might help by mapping challenges, emphasise what should be worked on first, and see where the manager and/or individual can provide the biggest value.

It goes without saying 1:1's should be safe spaces that create trust and honesty. By writing it down and having a doc, you can go back to it for check-ins, half-year and annual reviews.


<aside> 👇 you can copy and paste the below text to form your own version in the tool you choose

