<aside> πŸ’‘ On this page, you'll find info on: Asking for feedback | Giving feedback | Receiving feedback | Tools to support feedback **** Click through to explore our top tips as well as recordings of our recent Water Cooler series where we talk through these 3 areas of feedback and answer your live questions.


If you have any questions or feedback on how it's felt applying any of the advice here or would like us to host another Water Cooler - let us know over at the People team πŸ‘‹

<aside> ☝ Feedback has one major role - provide useful insights that will enable self-awareness and growth = clarity for you, areas to develop and focus on strengths


Remember... Feedback is a gift

<aside> πŸ€” What does this mean? Put simply it can be very easy to act defensively when someone gives you feedback, particularly when it isn't flattering. You might think that the person doesn't like you or is against you in some way. But it's actually the opposite: if a person is willing to offer you honest feedback, that means they really like you and want to help!



πŸ“š Resource corner

πŸ“– Radical candour [book]

πŸ“– Feedback @ Netflix [article]

πŸ“– Giving & Receiving Feedback [guide]

πŸ“– Giving & Receiving Feedback [article]

πŸ“– 6 Tips- Giving & Receiving Feedback [article]

πŸ“– Examples of feedback [article]

πŸ“Ί Radical candour [video]

πŸ›  MindTools: feedback [resource hub]

🚰 Water Coolers on Feedback [slides]

Asking for Feedback

<aside> πŸ˜‡ We hope that feedback will be a continual loop you receive whilst working at FitXR, should that not be the case, below are some tips on how to continue to seek out direct feedback.


5 benefits of asking for feedback

  1. You choose the time and format - which allows you to be in the right mindset
  2. You're feeling ready - reduces fear and uncertainty
  3. You can direct feedback to your development areas of interest
  4. You'll be modelling a feedback culture to your peers
  5. You'll invite more regular, meaningful and honest feedback


Top tips for asking for feedback

Giving Feedback

Our feedback flow -

Questions to ask yourself before, during & after giving feedback

Our top tips to giving feedback


Focus on Feedback, not Criticism

Receiving & Actioning Feedback

Remember, all of those feelings we get when someone says "I have some feedback to give you" are completely natural - nerves, anticipation, tension, the lot!